Friday, July 6, 2012


 Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica)

Forget-me-not , also known as myosotis, which means mouse's ear in Greek is a rather short plant with small but showy little blue flowers. It is quite common in the redwood forest and other places as well. The species of the forest most probably are Myosotis sylvatica.

The stem is fuzzy.

Fuzzy stem of forget-me-not

The flowers are usually in clusters

Close-up of flowers

Interesting thing is that the name is similar in other languages as well. It is supposedly came from French ne m'oubliez pas. The plant belongs to borage family (Boraginaceae), same as already familiar to us borage, salt heliotrope, cryptantha, comfrey, fiddleneck and many others. 

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