Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Corn Sandspurry

Corm sandspurry (Spergula arvensis)

Corm sandspurry (Spergula arvensis) is a plant that at first sight can be confused with Gilia millefoliata. They are both tiny inconspicuous plants and the leaves look somewhat similar. However, if you look close, you'll see that the flower structure of spergula is quite different: it has a big pistil in the middle while gilia has none.

Spergula arvensis

Spergula (and very similar to it  spergularia) are part of the Pink family (Caryophyllaceae), which also counts amonng its members such planrs as carnation (Dianthus), campion (Silene), chickweed (Stellaria) etc.

Here is a close-up of the flower of Spergula arvensis:

 Spergula arvensis

And just for comparison here is a picture of sticky sandspurry (Spergularia macrotheca). Notice how similar the flowers look: same distinctly visible petals and similar round pistil.

Spergularia macrotheca

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