Thursday, August 16, 2012


 Prunella vulgaris bloom

Prunella or self-heal is a low growing plant of the mint familty (Lamiaceae). As the common name implies, it is reputed to cure a whole range of minor diseases. More probably though, the plant was used to treat minor cuts and inflammations thus helping the skin to "heal itself".

Prunella vulgaris in the Redwood forest

Like other typical mints, prunella has a square stem and typical minty flowers with two upper and three lower lips. Prunella's stems are fuzzy. The plant has a pleasant fragrance when the leaves are rubbed. As lots of other aromatic mints, prunella is edible though commonly is not used as food.

Prunella grows in meadows but can be encountered even in forests (clearings) if there is suficient sunlight.


  1. Did you know that "Prunella" was the name of one of Cinderella's ugly step-sisters in Disney's movie version of the fairy tale?

    Such an odd name for such a pretty plant.

    I like "Self Heal", but "Prunella" also is quite fetching in its own way.

    Good photo.

  2. Yes, Prunella is used as a female name usually in Britain though it's pretty rare.

    Glad you like my pictures.
